Our Offer

Psychology practice Beghiyl applies several successful methods. Together we determine which treatment suits you best.

Psychotherapy ​

In individual or system conversations we focus on reducing your psychological complaints and problems or making them more manageable. To this end, we will set your treatment goals together at the start of your treatment and we will decide on the psychological treatments or interventions according to the guidelines. ​


Sexual complaints can cause insecurity, fear, sadness, tension or guilt. These feelings reinforce the sexual problem. In a sexological treatment we will work on improving or solving your problems through conversations and homework.


PPB offers psychodiagnostic research to better understand your complaints and to give advice for further treatment. In a psychological examination, information is collected in an orderly manner through the administration of psychological tests, with the aim of examining how you are put together, what your strengths and weaknesses are in the field of intelligence, personal functioning and social functioning. ​


Do you need peer consultation? PPB is open to (peer) consultation and / or collaboration. We are available for all your questions and are happy to help you. We also provide training on request to contribute to good quality mental care for patients at home and abroad. Also in the field of culture sensitive working within the GGZ.

Therapy & forms of treatment

We use unique, custom-built tools to give us the edge

In a therapy we work on your problem together in a number of sessions. How many sessions there will be and how we will proceed, depends on your problem and your wishes. Together, we determine which treatment is best for you. These are forms of therapy that we apply regularly:

CBT shows you how negative thoughts affect your feelings and behavior. You will learn how you can change this. CBT is used for many problems such as anxiety, depression, sexual problems, and personality problems.

EMDR we often apply this in the case of fears and unprocessed traumatic events. You think back of a nasty event and it is at the same time diverted, for example by movements of a finger. This frees up the natural process of processing.

Interpersonal therapy assumes that people need each other in order to feel good. We apply the therapy therefore when the cause of your problem is something, such as a conflict, between persons.

Not the cause but the solution to the problem is central. You will discover that solution during the therapy. The psychologist does not offer you anything, but will accompany you in your own search.

As the relationship between your partner and you gets to a point and in a pattern that you are no longer happy, couples therapy can help. By learning new behavior to break this pattern and your relationship will get a boost. We offer this therapy to couples.

Accessible help and advice for problems related to sexuality and intimacy.

Member and verifications

Hanae Beghiyl is a certified and licensed practicing psychologist

We Are Here For You.

For questions or more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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