
The rates for treatment at general basic mental healthcare and individual sessions have been determined nationally by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa).

Basic mental healtcare

The basic insurance reimburses psychological treatments within General Basic GGZ. You need a referral from your doctor for this. PPB works without a contract with health insurers. We do this mainly to guarantee your privacy. When determining our rates, we follow legal guidelines.

You will receive a monthly invoice that you can submit to your health insurer. They will then reimburse you. Ask your health insurer how much you will be reimbursed. Take into account a deductible of € 385 (in 2024).

Click here for more information about “contract-free psychologists”.

Individual Sessions

If you would like to pay for the treatment process yourself, that is possible. You do not need a referral from your general practice doctor. Sign up directly here.

Realtionship sessions

For couples therapy we use a double session of 90 minutes. Register both yourself and your partner for such a session.

Couples therapy is not part of the basic package. This also applies to help for sexual disorders. You may only be eligible for reimbursement if you have additional insurance. The amount of the compensation depends on your package. Check with your health insurer whether you will be reimbursed. Take into account a deductible of €385 (in 2024).

We Are Here For You.

For questions or more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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